Fresh Support

Fresh Support

Fresh Support is a ticketing software that enables users to create, and update tickets with ease. It also includes a task organization feature through the creation of to-do lists. The software features a timeline where you can see the history of tickets of specific contacts. Additionally, Fresh Support offers a filtering system and a dashboard that provides an overview of activities performed by all agents using the software.

Ticket Management


Tickets can easily be created by filling out a form. Once the ticket is created, agents can add notes, these notes contain the agent that created it, date, and time of creation. The notes can also be edited and deleted.

Create and Delete Note Image


Ticket's properties can also be updated by any agent. By changing the properties that can be changed are, type, status, priority, group, and agent. The update button is disabled by default, and it is only enabled when a property is changed.

Update Property Image


Tickets also have a timeline on the far right side of the screen. The timeline shows all the tickets of the specific contact ordered cronologically. It shows basic information about the ticket, such as the ticket number, status, and date of creation.

Timeline Image


The dashboard provides an overview of activities performed by all agents using the software. It displays the number of tickets opened, in process, and pending that are assigned to the logged-in agent. The dashboard also includes a to-do list where agents can create their own tasks.

Dashboard image


Each time an agent does something in the software, an activity is created. If an agent creates, updates or deletes a note, an activity is created. If the properties are changed, also an activity is created. All activities will show the agent involved and a link to the ticket.


To-dos are a nice feature to have in a customer oriented software. This feature helps agents organize tasks more effectively.


Fresh support also comes with a filtering system that allows agents to focus on specific tickets or only on tickets assigned to them, for instance. Multiple filters can be applied simultaneously, even multiple filters of the same category.

1 Filter Image 2 Filters Image Multiple Filters Image


If you would like to explore all Fresh Support features, I invite you to check out the demo.